Important dates
February 5, 2024 – Last day to register to vote in primary election February 20, 2024- First day of early voting February 23, 2024 – Last day to apply for ballot by mail March 1, 2024 – Last day of early voting March 5, 2024 – Primary election day and postmark deadline for mail ballots
Countdown to Next Election Day
Where do you start?
Follow these steps when trying to figure out if and when you can participate in an upcoming election cycle. Texas has special voting requirements that are more strict than other states.

Find your nearest qualified polling place
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Find out if you are registered to vote in Texas
Receive an issue-based sample ballot
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Absentee Voting
Voter ID Laws
Voting Rights
Check to see if you qualify to vote by mail
Know which type of I.D. is needed to vote
Protect your rights when you head to the polls
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What does an elected official do?
Each elected official in Texas has a different role that depends on the level of government they serve. Use our tool below to navigate what types of responsibilities every elected official has.
Federal State County Local

What are the types of elections?
There are three “types” of elections that occur at different times of an election year: primary elections, runoff elections, and general elections. Take a look at the descriptions of each below.
When? Every other March
Primary elections are elections that narrow down partisan candidates for a general election. Only candidates that are running under a political party (i.e. Democrat or Republican) run in a primary election, even if they are unopposed. A primary election will produce a winning candidate for each party. primary election will produce a winning candidate for each party.
When? As needed
Runoff elections are elections that occur when a primary or general election does not have a clear winner. There is no clear winner when a candidate does not meet the required number of votes to win. The number of votes required depends on the position sought. Runoffs can occur when the candidate with the most votes ties with another candidate the position sought. Runoffs can occur when the candidate with the most votes ties with another candidate or a candidate did not earn 51% of the vote.
When? Every May and November
General elections are elections where the candidate with the most votes wins the position. General elections between partisan candidates occur after a primary. There are three types of general elections: uniform, midterm, and presidential. Uniform elections occur every May and are generally limited to local races. Midterms occur every four years and gener Uniform elections occur every May and are generally limited to local races. Midterms occur every four years and generally include most countywide and gubernatorial races. Presidential elections occur every four years (two years apart from midterm elections) and named as such because the presidential race is included. include most countywide and gubernatorial races. Presidential elections occur every four years (two years apart from midterm elections) and named as such because the presidential race is included. midterm elections) and named as such because the presidential race is included.
VOTE (1-866-687-8683)