Brooke López

Candy Noble: The victorious Republican newcomer of TX-HD 89

Updated: Apr 17, 2024

candy noble headshot

Candy Noble is running for the recently vacated Texas House of Representatives seat in District 89 (TX HD-89). In her primary, she defeated a Collin County Justice of the Peace who served as an elected official since the age of 18. It appears on all accounts that her campaign may be a victorious one, as she will compete against a single candidate for the seat in the November general election. Though this is her first time running for public office, Noble’s dedication to public service spans into her childhood, stemming from the influence of her service-based parents.

Noble was raised in Abilene, Texas, a city in West Texas, by her mother and father. Noble’s father worked as a vocational teacher, counselor, and pastor at the local church, creating an environment that Noble described as a “Christian home”. It was the influence of her parents, whom Noble referred to as service-oriented, that first inspired her to live a life of giving to others. She said, “they constantly look for the needs in others and are always looking for ways to help.” Noble recognizes her parents as the first role models she remembers having, making an impact on her life as an aspiring politician.

The first time that Noble remembers being aware of politics began with the Watergate Scandal in 1972, when the Nixon Presidential administration attempted to cover-up a breach of security at the Democratic National Committee headquarters. As the news of the scandal shocked the nation, Noble questioned her family about politics and what it entailed. Little did she know this experience would be minimal in her ensuing political journey. By the time Noble reached college, she had her sights set on transforming Texas-based legislation. During her time at Hardin-Simmons University, she participated in a legislative day with fellow students where she advocated for cost-reducing legislation at the state’s capitol.

Eventually, Noble started a family of her own. As a stay-at-home mom, Noble remained actively involved in her community but focused her time on raising her children. Once her three daughters reached adulthood, Noble realized that she had extra time to dedicate to her community again, particularly through public service. Noble describes this moment as a reinvention of sorts, saying she was “ready to open her next chapter.” She became a member of various Republican organizations, especially those that focused on Republican woman values. Additionally, she began volunteering on a variety of campaigns in the area, helping other Republican women become elected officials.

Noble was recognized by local Republican entities as the favored candidate to succeed State Representative Jodie Laubenberg in House District 89 before she even filed for the position. Her dedication to the Republican party in North Texas spanned over a decade – including an opportunity where she served as the Chairman on the Texas Electoral College in 2016. During the Republican primary, Noble faced John Payton, a Justice of the Peace for Collin County who was elected to the position at age 18. Even when facing an elected official, Noble returned victoriously, winning the Republican primary nomination this past March. She will now face a Democratic candidate in the November general election.

As she gears up for the next round of elections, Noble relies on the power of prayer and family. She accredits her husband as her number one resource for support, recognizing that he works tirelessly for her campaign. She also relies on the support of her campaign volunteers, remarking “I can’t say enough about the people who put their life on hold for me, making calls and giving donations. Why run singlehandedly when you have people beside you?” Finally, Noble’s favorite resource is the GOP Data Center, a designation of research presented by the Republican Party of Texas with targeted information about voting patterns.

If elected, Noble would serve Texas House District 89 which spans from the City of Fairview to eastern portions of Collin County. TX-HD 89 maintains a variety of land use diversity, ranging from well-established communities to quickly developing areas and even rural regions. Noble has focused her campaign on serving the needs of all these communities with issues that affect them equally, like transportation. When thoroughfares are built in District 89, Noble wants to ensure that the structure of the roadways will not harm the nature of the community it passes through. Additionally, Noble recognizes that the phenomenal growth occurring in Collin County, and surrounding areas, also correlates with higher property taxes. Noble hopes to serve as a crusader for lower property taxes, even in the face of exponential growth.

Noble advises women interested in becoming politically engaged to become a member of a Republican women’s club (if they maintain Republican values), like Golden Corridor Republican Women’s Club. By becoming involved in these clubs herself, Noble was able to create networks of individuals ready to mentor her on the political process. For women specifically interested in running for office on a platform of Republican values, Noble recommends becoming involved with the National Federation of Republican Women. Through this entity, Noble volunteered on campaigns, including through the position of campaign manager. While she recognizes that these experiences aren’t the same as being a candidate herself, she was offered a wide umbrella of information about running for office.

She leaves women interested in pursuing careers in politics with this advice: “I would tell her to decide where her interest of focus is, school board or city council, national, statewide, or local”. If they step up and make a difference, we are better off for it.

Candy Noble is currently running for State Representative of Texas House District 89 and will be up for general election in November.

Candy Noble Engaging with the Community

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