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Natalie Clark

Deanna Hammond: Agent for change

Updated: Apr 24, 2024

Deanna Hammond headshot

Deanna Hammond was born and raised in Little Rock Arkansas. This past November, she was elected Constable in Dallas County, Precinct 2. She is not only the first woman to hold the position, but also the first Black woman.

Politics has always been a central point of Hammond’s life. Her family taught her from an early age that voting was a duty and that it was an important way to make your voice heard. Hammond remembers early conversations with her mother and learning about her mother’s experiences attending school with the “Little Rock Nine”. With an emphasis on voting and with her mother’s experiences impacting her political mindset, Hammond’s family has played an integral role in shaping her political perspective. To this day, Hammond’s mother still serves as a role model to her because her mother stayed strong and determined throughout the trials in her life, thus pouring that strength into her children and inspiring them to do the same in their own lives.

Hammond’s decision to run for Constable came from her love of her community. In order to run a campaign, a candidate must have a driving force behind them and Hammond’s community serves as that force. Hammond’s background in law enforcement has allowed her to witness injustice on a day to day basis. Hammond wishes to serve as an agent for change when elected Constable, to use her knowledge and experience in law enforcement to protect all people in her precinct. While Hammond never campaigned prior to her own campaign, she knew her community needed different representation. Her family values and knowledge of the voting process has led her to run a strong grassroots campaign, in the hopes that she will be able to bring change to the community.

When asked what she believed to be the biggest issue facing her community, Hammond responded that she sees a lack of visibility in the community as well as a lack of policy-oriented information being distributed in a timely manner. Hammond believes that a partnership between the Constable’s office and local law enforcement will foster a positive mutual respect and open communication in the community.

Hammond sees her career trajectory as the biggest accomplishment of her life. Upon graduating, she relocated to Texas to continue her education. After mothering two sons, she took a break from her studies. While it was difficult to return to work after becoming a mother, her determination and drive to make change in her community ultimately motivated her return to law enforcement. Hammond’s ability to always keep moving forward has served her well in her career and has made her the strong and determined Nominee she is.

Hammond’s campaign has been one of many accomplishments, stemming from a grassroots, community-based campaign, which resulted in her becoming the Democratic Nominee for her County’s precinct. This campaign has not been without sacrifices and many late nights, due to the fact that Hammond is currently pursuing her Doctorate in Psychology, while working full-time. Hammond continues to move forward as her vision for the community keeps her optimistic about the future.

If Hammond could give a piece of advice to women who want to pursue a career in the world of politics as she has, she would tell them “never give up.” Being a woman in politics can be difficult in the ways that people doubt your abilities and underestimate you. Hammond says that women are resilient and that they have a particular ability to persevere through obstacles other candidates may not face.

If Hammond could give a piece of advice to women who want to pursue a career in the world of politics as she has, she would tell them “never give up." Being a woman in politics can be difficult in the ways that people doubt your abilities and underestimate you. Hammond says that women are resilient and that they have a particular ability to persevere through obstacles other candidates may not face.

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