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Christina Morrison

Dr. Margo McClinton Stoglin: Training the next generation of young politicians

Updated: Apr 17, 2024

Dr. margo mcclinton stoglin headshot

Dr. Marguerite “Margo” McClinton Stoglin is the Texas State Director for IGNITE National, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that trains the next generation of young female political leaders. Margo grew up in Kansas City, MO with two working parents, both of whom embodied hearts for giving back. Her mother worked as a physician, and her father worked in public service. Growing up, Margo had a number of role models to whom she accredits her success. Particularly, she admired her mother for her commitment to serving others, a quality Margo strived to mirror in her own life. Additionally, she looked up to women across the country such as Senator Kamala Harris and Rep. Toni Rose for their commitments to breaking down barriers facing women in politics.

After earning her BA from Emory University, Margo pursued both a Master’s in Education from Harvard and a Ph.D. from Florida State. After a number of years working in the educational field, she returned to school to pursue a MBA at the University of Texas at Dallas. Margo believes getting women involved in politics is of the utmost importance and said nothing in the world will be changed unless people are sitting at the table of power to influence it.

After years in higher education and non-profit work, Margo joined the team at IGNITE and has since been focused on encouraging young women’s involvement in politics. IGNITE has been expanding rapidly since she joined the team and currently serves over 40 schools across the country. She is pleased to continue to work with foundations, individuals, and organizations that promote beliefs such as what the Lone Star Parity Project advocates. Margo attributes much of the expansion of this cause to the 2016 Presidential Election, believing that America no longer takes for granted a woman’s right to run for a political office.

While Margo has made great strides in women’s political involvement and empowerment, she considers her biggest achievement balancing her work and home lives. In many instances, women feel pressured to choose between focusing on their families or on their personal goals, but Margo puts forth a shining example of managing both. Having an incredible career is a huge blessing, but Margo holds that her family life is an even bigger one, for it made her career and everything else that much more meaningful. Atop all of her accomplishments, Margo is most proud of her persistence: in her work, in her family, and in her life.

Dr. margo mcclinton stoglin with her organization ignite

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