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Natalie Clark

Liz Slezak: Working to serve her community

Updated: Apr 24, 2024

Liz Slezak headshot

Liz Slezak currently serves as the Legislative Director for Texas State Representative Tony Tinderholt. Born in Corvallis, Oregon, she attended a Christian school. She said her time there, and Christianity in general, has helped shape her into the person she is today. She then moved to Texas in the 10th grade. After graduating South Texas College of Law, where she served as a managing editor and was published in an international economic law journal, she was drawn to working in public policy, which led to her position in the Texas Legislature.

When asked what a typical day in the Texas Legislature looked like, Liz replied that there really is no typical day, as every day is new. However, when the legislature is in session, her day begins with prepping materials for her representative to go over, before Committee and floor meetings begin. While these meetings are happening, she begins prepping for the next day, which shows the fast-paced nature of the legislature.

Liz says that the greatest issue facing her community is the issue of reliable energy. The reliability of energy tends to get overlooked until massive emergent situations, such as the Winter 2021 snowstorm. She also speaks of the issues of abortion and transition of children as big talking points in Texas legislature, as there are strong opinions on both sides of these issues, which leads to much discussion before decisions and bills can be made regarding these issues. This divide is incredibly evident in Texas.

When asked who she would consider her greatest role model, Liz says her father was her biggest role model growing up. He started at the bottom of the company that he works in and worked his way up, and this was very inspirational for her growing up. It inspired her to be as diligent and hard working as he was, which is especially beneficial for a career in politics.

If Liz could give any advice for the next generation of women and femmes who are interested in pursuing politics, it is to firstly not make the decision to go to law school lightly. It is an extremely important decision and one that is not necessarily required for work in politics. Law school ended up being the correct decision for Liz, but she says it is not for everyone. It is clear from the way Liz speaks of her work and experiences in the Texas Legislature that it was the correct fit for her.

Liz Slezak headshot

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