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Meet the Candidates: Fort Worth Mayoral Runoff

Updated: May 13, 2024

Both candidates headed to the Fort Worth Mayoral runoff election are women. We asked them a few questions for our lighting round of “meet the candidates.” These are the responses we received.

Mattie Parker headshot

Mattie Parker

When was the first time you were exposed to politics and was there a specific issue in your community that spoke to you?

Mattie: “In college I was waiting tables at a Texas Land and Cattle in Austin when I met the communications director for the former Texas House Speaker, Tom Craddick. I ended up going to work in his office and It was during this time I caught the bug for government. It was really a historic period in Texas politics and I was immersed in the middle of it. At that time, all sides of the aisle truly worked together and were able to put good policy over politics. I carry that mindset with me to this day.”

What do you think are some of the greatest issues facing your community? How do you intend to solve those issues?

Mattie: “Recovery from COVID: Business recovery assistance, evaluation of our public health system and reverse significant learning loss among youth. Innovation: Economic development, public infrastructure and understanding how to attract companies and support our local businesses. Education: Put students on a pathway to success in college, career and life. Safe communities: Our homicide rate doubled last year. I will support our police in all efforts to fight violent crime and restore safety.”

How do you practice self-care during the campaign?

Mattie: “In all honesty, campaigning is exhausting work! I often joke that most days you feel like you are in a blender. With that said, I truly believe that sanity and self-care go hand in hand. I am lucky to have an amazing support system among family and friends who keep life feeling somewhat normal. My husband David and I enjoy spending time with our two boys at little league games and our neighborhood park. I also try to workout every day between meetings or in the mornings to keep my head clear.”

What piece of advice do you have for the next generation of women+?

Mattie: “I had a very humble upbringing in the small town of Hico, TX. When I went on to college and started my career, I didn’t have any fancy connections or prestigious accolades, but I did know how to work hard. If you show up, stay focused and out perform, the success will follow regardless of circumstance. While keeping your nose to the grindstone make sure you take time to find allies from all walks of life. Having mentors with various world views will open doors and make you a better leader.”

We did not receive a response from the other candidate: Deborah Peoples.

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