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Jaime Winters

Pamela Phoenix: Leading Change

Updated: Apr 18, 2024

Pamela Phoenix headshot

The dictionary defines family as “a group of parents and children living together in a household” or “all the descendants of a common ancestor”. This is what Pamela Phoenix preaches – family. You cannot meet Mrs. Phoenix without noticing her smile, her dedication and love for the City of Tyler, her sincere concern for her community, and her sense of urgency to solve Tyler’s increasing housing and homelessness issue. From caring for her children and grandchildren, to caring for Tyler residents, Pamela Phoenix considers all of us her family.

After graduating from Loyola University in New Orleans with a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, Mrs. Phoenix quickly found work at a law firm. She relocated to Tyler during Hurricane Katrina evacuations in 2005, and found herself on the Smith County Appraisal Commission and Planning and Zoning Commission. This year, she is hoping to win Councilman Ed Moore’s seat for Tyler City Council District 3. “It’s purposed for me to be elected,” Phoenix said. “It is time for a change and transition here in Tyler, and I can represent a district able to edify that change and transition that’s happening.” Mrs. Phoenix pushes to be the liaison between the people and government: “you are their voice, and it is my goal to work and help educate the people on what the city has and how it works so that they can get full use out of their services.”

If elected, Phoenix hopes to preserve, transform, and expand on Councilman Moore’s accomplishments, including the MLK Street Project, the Housing Infill Program, increasing property value, and deterring vandalism by preserving the historic value of Tyler. She says the biggest issues facing the district are affordable housing and business growth, but the solution will require community and city partnership. As a councilmember, Phoenix would like to hold monthly meetings to engage the community and help residents interact with the city’s Neighborhood Services Department.

Mrs. Phoenix is rooted deeply in her faith, sharing openly that she is blessed beyond measure. She is a licensed minister and is currently pursuing her doctorate in biblical studies. Mrs. Phoenix remembers her grandmother fondly as her biggest role model, as her grandmother pushed her to reach her full potential and overcome all obstacles. She now serves as a role model for her own children and grandchildren, as well as many other young women in East Texas. She proves that your background does not matter, you are capable of overcoming adversity.

“My intentions are pure. I’m here for Tyler. This is home. I’m not going anywhere. And the intentions of my heart are purely for the people and bettering our community.”

Pamela Phoenix headshot

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